The average shot length of 7 famous directors

The average shot length of 7 famous directors

The average shot length (ASL) of a director is an interesting way to compare filmmaking styles. Below are two charts from Vashi Nedomansky’s filmmaking blog. The first compares the ASL of six famous directors. The second compares the ASL of eight Stanley Kubrick movies.

“The Master” crew discuss Paul Thomas Anderson’s working method.

“The Master” crew discuss Paul Thomas Anderson’s working method.

Production Designer Jack Fisk has described Paul Thomas Anderson as a “jazz musician who plays characters.” But what is it like to work with a modern jazz filmmaker? Below is a nice interview with several key collaborators from “The Master.” Listen to Jack Fisk (Production Designer), David Crank (Production Designer), Leslie Jones (Editor) and Mark Bridges (Costume Designer) compare notes on what is required to play in PTA’s band.

The 25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Movies

The 25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Movies

A nice collection of famous scenes that for various reasons were unscripted. From “Here’s looking at you Kid” to “Leave the gun, take the cannoli” these moments are a nice reminder that sometimes the filmmaking gods reward living in the moment.